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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Academic employment marker XACMRK01 2.1.2 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
1 Academic contract
2 Not an academic contract/Not applicable

Dependent fields

  • None

Depend upon fields


Additional information

This field groups the HESA Staff record (Cyy025) academic employment function field's valid entries into either an 'Academic contract' or 'Not an academic contract/Not applicable' marker.

The academic employment function (Contract.ACEMPFUN) field identifies the employment function for the contract at the return date or the end date of the contract if earlier, and relates to the contract of employment, and not to the actual work undertaken.

Academic staff are defined as academic professionals who are responsible for planning, directing and undertaking academic teaching and research within higher education providers (HEPs). They also include vice-chancellors, medical practitioners, dentists, veterinarians and other health care professionals who undertake lecturing or research activities.

Where a staff contract includes both academic and non-academic aspects, an academic valid entry is returned in Contract.ACEMPFUN only where the primary employment function is teaching and/or research.

(A null return can only be submitted for Contract.ACEMPFUN where Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010) in all associated Activity entities (Activity.ACTSOC) is coded outside of major groups 1, 2 or 3).

Technical Specification

1, 2, 3, 9 1
4, Null 2

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2015-01-15 2.1.2 Additional information amended to clarify that a null return can only be submitted for Contract.ACEMPFUN where Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010) in all associated Activity entities is coded outside of major groups 1, 2 or 3. References to higher education institution (HEI) have been replaced with higher education provider (HEP). Reference to institution (as a short-hand for higher education institution) has been changed to provider. The change enables HESA to refer collectively to both publicly funded higher education institutions and privately funded alternative providers within its constituency
2014-01-29 2.1.1 To meet analytical requirement; Valid entry 9 'Not applicable' removed and Null values from ACEMPFUN grouped with 'Not an academic contract' to create 'Not an academic contract/Not applicable'. Valid entry 0 relabelled to 2 due to the change in input values. Technical specification updated, removing final row ACEMPFUN Null from valid entry 9 and adding ACEMPFUN Null to valid entry 2. Changed to version 2.1.1 due to valid entry changes
2013-03-01 1.1.1 Created for C12025

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.