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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Full-time equivalent subject by cost centre XFTE01 3.4.1 6 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
. The format of XFTE01 is 000.00

Dependent fields

  • None

Depend upon fields

  • APEL
  • FTE
  • XCAH03

Additional information

The datasets table Cyy051_CO holds Cost centre/Full time equivalence (FTE) data.

This field contains the derived FTE of the student instance (from Instance.STULOAD) for module subjects and cost centres in the CO table.

This field is designed to allow analysis by FTE, representing student load, rather than by headcount or apportioned numbers; particularly significant for analysing part-time load.

XFTE01 will normally be analysed after the application of the HESA session population (XPSES01).

From 2019/20 ModuleSubject.MODSBJ is optional from providers in England, and hence its output in the _CO and _SJ tables could be null.

Technical Specification

The creation of the _CO and _SJ tables depends on de-duplication to ensure that all modules and courses are unique, and that instances are linked to a COURSEID/MODID (i.e. that exception checks that test for de-duplication and course/module linkage have run, and have not been switched).

This table holds the value of Instance.STULOAD apportioned across the module subjects and cost centres.

Create a record for every instance where a StudentOnModule record exists for that INSTANCEKEY (i.e. there may instances with Instance.STULOAD > 0, but no record will exist unless at least one record exists in the imported StudentOnModule data for that INSTANCEKEY). The exceptions to this are where StudentOnModule.MODSTAT is 4 (as this indicates the module was taken outside the reporting year) or StudentOnModule.APEL is 1 or 2 (as APEL modules do not contribute to STULOAD).

There may be records where Instance.STULOAD or SUM(Module.FTE) or ModuleSubject.MODSBJP are zero, or Instance.STULOAD is null. In these cases create a record in the _CO table where XFTE01 is zero.

ModuleSubject entity must exist for all modules. (This is enforced by the schema definition.)

Join Instance to StudentOnModule to Module to ModuleSubject where:
Instance.INSTANCEKEY=StudentOnModule.INSTANCEKEY and
Instance.UKPRN=Module.UKPRN and
Module.UKPRN=ModuleSubject.UKPRN and
StudentOnModule.MODID=Module.MODID and
and StudentOnModule.MODSTAT <> 4
and StudentOnModule.APEL <> 1 or 2

For each completed ModuleSubject entity (COSTCN, MODSBJP, MODSBJ) create a record containing:

Instance.INSTANCEKEY, ModuleSubject.COSTCN, ModuleSubject.MODSBJ, XFTE01, XCAH03, Module.MODID calculated as:

(ModuleSubject.MODSBJP/100)*(Module.FTE/Sum(Module.FTE) for all modules for that Instance where neither StudentOnModule.MODSTAT = 4 nor StudentOnModule.APEL = 1 or 2)*(Instance.STULOAD)

During calculation, results must be rounded and not trimmed.

Format of XFTE01 is 000.00 (reported to two decimal places).

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2020-03-26 3.4.1 Guidance added regarding ModuleSubject.MODSBJ within additional information to add clarification. XJACS201 has been replaced by XCAH03 and XJACS01 to XHECOS due to the change to HECoS codes
2013-10-03 3.3.1 XFTE01 definition text revised to express that modules where either StudentOnModule.MODSTAT = 4 or StudentOnModule.APEL = 1 or 2 are excluded from the sum of FTE that forms the second denominator. Change to function
2013-01-09 3.2.1 Text added to Technical specification requiring the exclusion of modules where StudentOnModule.APEL is 1 or 2, in order to exclude prior learning from FTE apportionment. Condition added to table join accordingly. Change to function
2012-08-15 3.1.2 Instance.STULOAD is null has been added to the condition to create XFTE01 as zero. This is to align the specification with existing Software Development function. No change to function required
2011-01-31 3.1.1 Length extended from 5 to 6, to accommodate change in stored format to 2 decimal places. Also rounding and not trimming specified in calculation
2010-05-13 2.1.2 Note added to Additional information 'XFTE01 will normally be analysed after the application of the HESA session population (XPSES01)'
2010-04-09 2.1.1 Added XJACS201 and new Module.MODID to technical specification
2009-03-20 1.1.2 Format amends. Additional information added to
2008-03-20 1.1.1 as per Cyy051 into Oracle specification, as a distinct derived field specification

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.