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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Inactive for entire reporting year XINACT01 1.3.1 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
1 Inactive for entire reporting year
0 Active during reporting year

Dependent fields

  • XYEARM01
  • XPDEC01
  • XPSES01

Depend upon fields


Additional information

To be considered inactive for the entirety of a reporting year, all associated InstancePeriods for an Instance within the reporting period must be recorded as having no activity - each must have a student instance full-time equivalence (InstancePeriod.STULOAD) of zero.

It is not sufficient, however, to assess inactivity on the basis of STULOAD alone.

Incoming visiting and exchange students, and those students who are studying abroad but spend more than 8 weeks in the UK, are permitted to return zero in the STULOAD field and consequently InstancePeriod.NOTACT must be also be considered.

Students who have no activity in the InstancePeriod in which their instance ends (usually due to the provider ending an instance retrospectively) will have a STULOAD of zero, but no NOTACT value. These are accomodated by using the presence of an ENDDATE to set their XINACT01 value to 'inactive', as otherwise they would be considered to be active in the absence of a NOTACT value stating otherwise.

Technical Specification

Please note: in the following specification, the date reference '(Y1)' refers to a year-specific reference derived from the reporting year. For 2014/15, Y1 is 2014, thus for 2014/15 the year reference would be in the form 2014-08-01, and for 2015/16 2015-08-01, and so on.

Step 1: Creating a TEMP value for each InstancePeriod to indicate that it meets the inactive criteria

For each InstancePeriod in the collection, create a TEMP value as follows:

InstancePeriod. STULOAD Instance. ENDDATE InstancePeriod. NOTACT TEMP
0, null Not null, and < (Y1)-08-01 1
Null, or not null and >= (Y1)-08-01 1, 2 1
Null 0
> 0 0

Step 2: Identifying the Instances for which all associated InstancePeriods meet the inactivity criteria

To create the value for XINACT01, link each Instance to all associated InstancePeriods using InstanceKEY. Where every InstancePeriod for that Instance has a TEMP value of 1, set XINACT01 to '1'. Otherwise, set XINACT01 to '0'.

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2016-02-11 1.3.1 Additional Information section updated to remove an unnecessary paragraph, the content of which was already covered by the existing guidance
2015-08-18 1.2.1 Updated to account for those instance periods returned to close off an instance using Instance.ENDDATE
2014-10-16 1.1.1 Created

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