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Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission baseline

For the years 2012/13 to 2018/19 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine stated Total scope 1 and 2 emission baseline for 2005 as 83,228,000.000. This field was returned in kilograms CO2e instead of in tonnes CO2e.The figure should have been 83,228.000 tonnes CO2e.

Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission baseline (2012/13 - 2014/15)

University of Leicester have misreported the units in which Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission baseline for 2005 is measured in the 2012/13 - 2014/15 Estates Management record returns. This field was returned in kilograms instead of in tonnes.

Employment (2011/12 publication onwards)

In 2011/12, the questions on the Destinations of Leavers from HE (DLHE) questionnaire were modified and as a result, the concept of activity was redefined for use in HESA publications. The DLHE population was also extended to include leavers with additional qualifications. Both of these factors had an impact on the employment indicators making data prior to 2011/12 not comparable with data from 2011/12 onwards; see the changes document for more details (applicable to table E1).

EU emissions trading scheme (2012/13, 2013/14)

University of Strathclyde incorrectly returned their EU Emissions Trading Scheme participation.  Their return should have been No.

General Performance Indicators suppressions

Rounding strategy

Due to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 HESA implements a strategy in published and released tabulations designed to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. This strategy involves rounding all numbers to the nearest multiple of 5 and suppressing percentages and averages based on small populations.

HESA Services Standard Rounding Methodology:

National Statistics - Socio-Economic Classification

For the 2001 census, a new classification, National Statistics - Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC), was developed to replace Social Class. It took into account new work patterns in the UK and the changes in education levels required for, and the status of, large numbers of occupations. This new classification was used for the social class Performance Indicator from 2002/03 and called the SEC indicator.

Low participation (2005/06 publication onwards)

The low participation measure used in Tables T1, T2 and T3b is based on a UK-wide classification of areas into participation bands. From 2011/12 it uses the POLAR3 methodology which is based on a similar method to POLAR2 but uses more up to date information. As these two methods are not strictly comparable, the 2009/10 to 2013/14 indicators have been produced using both POLAR2 and POLAR3 to provide time series information. The POLAR2 data was no longer published as part of the UK Performance Indicators from 2014/15.

HE provider practice (2012/13)

Scotland’s Rural College, SRUC, was formed on 1 October 2012 by the merger of Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges and SAC (Scottish Agricultural College). The merger resulted in a significant uplift in the size of the estate. Due to the land based nature of the college we have an unusual estate compared to the majority of other institutions.

Ratios (2012/13)

Middlesex University has confirmed that the significant change to some of their Estates Management record ratios and data items relating to area, teaching space and property costs between years 2011/12 and 2012/13 is due to the closure of their Trent Park campus.

Building condition assessment condition C (2012/13)

King's College London has reported that there were a number of properties that have been assessed as being condition B in 2011/12 that have now been reassessed as being condition C in 2012/13. 

This is reflected in their 2012/13 Estates Management record data.