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HESA Student Record 2009/10 - Level applicable to funding council HESES

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HESA Student Record 2009/10

Fields required from institutions in England

Level applicable to funding council HESES

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valid entries
Short nameFUNDLEV

This field is an indicator of the level of the instance, expressed in terms of HEFCE HESES definitions.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland

All instances at institutions in England and Northern Ireland where Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01

Base data typeFUNDLEVCodeType
Field length2
Part of
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Reason required

To support reconciliation of Early Statistics and HESA.


Coding should be consistent with the allocation of the student in the HEFCE HESES return. Refer to HEFCE for full definitions.

Long refers to any course with instance year of over 45 weeks.

Not in the HESES population. This value can be used if the HESA reporting year does not contain, in part or in whole, a year of instance which has previously, is, or will be, returned to HESES. However, use of code 99 is an option. Institutions can, if they so wish, use the other codes for all records.

Date modified2010-04-30
Change management notes

Business rule 3 updated to exclude Course.COURSEAIM = M26. Business rules 4 and 10 updated to add Course.COURSEAIM = M26. Business rule 6 updated to add Course.COURSEAIM = D01. Business rule 11 added.

Business rules

Instance.FUNDLEV must exist for institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01.


Instance.FUNDLEV should be coded 30, 31 or 99 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM begins D or L.


Instance.FUNDLEV should be coded 20, 21 or 99 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM begins E or M (excluding M22, M26) or equals H50, H60, H61, H71, H78, H81, H88, I60, I61 and I81.


Instance.FUNDLEV should be coded 10, 11 or 99 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM begins H or I or equals M22 or M26. This rule is not applied when the Course.COURSEAIM is one of the following H50, H60, H61, H71, H78, H81, H88, I60, I61 and I81.


Instance.FUNDLEV must not exist for institutions in Scotland or Wales.


Instance.FUNDLEV must not be coded 10 or 11 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM = D00, D01, E00.


Instance.FUNDLEV must not be coded 30 or 31 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM = E00, E90 or begins M, H, I.


Instance.FUNDLEV must be coded 10, 11 or 99 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM begins J, C.


Instance.FUNDLEV must be coded 20, 21 or 99 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM = H61, I61 and Instance.FUNDCODE =1.


Instance.FUNDLEV should not be coded 10 or 11 by institutions in England or Northern Ireland where Course.COURSEAIM begins M and is not M22 or M26.


For institutions in England, Instance.FUNDLEV must not be coded 11, 21 or 31 where Instance.MODE = 23 or 24 and Instance.LOCSDY = D or E.

Schema components
Element: FUNDLEV
Valid entries and labels
11Long undergraduate
20Postgraduate taught
21Long postgraduate taught
30Postgraduate research
31Long postgraduate research
99Not in HESES population

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.