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Staff record 2013/14

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COMMIT-stage validation

Version 1.1 Produced 2014-06-30

This document lists the COMMIT validation checks that will be applied during the COMMIT transaction of the data collection system. An explanation of the different stages of validation is shown in the Validation overview document.

Validation Checks at COMMIT

Field Name Number Severity Rule
Activity.ACTSOC 1 Error Activity.ACTSOC must be 231 where Contract.LEVELS = A0.
Activity.CCENTRE 1 Error The Activity.CCENTRE code must be one of AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE codes submitted for the Institution profile record.
Activity.CCENTRE 2 Error Where AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE have been submitted in the Institutional profile record but it is not coded in any occurrence of Activity.CCENTRE.
Contract.CAMPID 1 Error Contract.CAMPID must have been submitted in the Institution profile collection.
Contract.CLINICAL 1 Warning An institution has a Medical or Dental school but has not returned any Contract.CLINICAL = 1.
Contract.CONFTE 1 Warning Contract.CONFTE should not be less than 80.0 where (Contract.MOEMP = 1 and Contract.STARTCON < '(Y1)-08-01' and Contract.ENDCON is null)
Contract.CONFTE 2 Warning Contract.CONFTE should not be greater than 90.0 where Contract.MOEMP = 3 or 4.
Contract.CONFTE 3 Warning Contract.CONFTE should not be greater than 50.0 where Contract.MOEMP = 5.
Contract.CONFTE 5 Error Total of Contract.CONFTE for all the contract records for a person must not be greater than 200.
Contract.LEVELS 1 Warning More than 10 people or 2% (whichever is less) where Contract.LEVELS = B1.
Contract.LEVELS 2 Error Contract.LEVELS = A0 must exist at least once and no more than twice for an institution.
Contract.RESCON 1 Warning Where Contract.RESCON = 1 and Contract.ENDCON exists and does not equal '(Y2)-07-31' there should be another active contract on or after the Contract.ENDCON of this original contract.
Contract.SALREF 1 Warning Contract.SALREF should not be between 4800 and 11000 where (Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2 and Contract.MOEMP in (1,2,3,4,6) and Person.BIRTHDTE <= '(Y1-21)-07-31').
Contract.SALREF 2 Warning Where Contract.SALREF exists, if the same Person.STAFFID and Contract.CONTID appears in the contract table in both last year's and this year's returns, then the percentage change in Contract.SALREF between year's should not be more than 25%
Contract.SALREF 3 Warning Contract.SALREF should not be greater than 175000 where (Contract.MOEMP in (1,2,3,4,6) and Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2 and Contract.LEVELS does not equal A0).
Contract.SALREF 5 Warning Contract.SALREF should not be less than 50000 where (Contract.MOEMP in (1,2,3,4,6) and Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2 and Contract.LEVELS = F1)
Contract.SPOINT 1 Warning Contract.SPOINT should start with C where Contract.CLINICAL does not equal 0.
Contract.SPOINT 2 Error Contract.SPOINT must contain a valid entry.
Contract.STARTCON 1 Warning Where exists Person.BIRTHDTE is less than 16 years of age at the start of contract (i.e. Contract.STARTCON - (minus) Person.BIRTHDTE < 16 years) and Contract.STARTCON greater than or on '(Y1)-08-01'.
Person.ABLWELSH 1 Warning More than 5% of staff where Person.ABLWELSH = 9.
Person.ACTCHQUAL 1 Warning Where Person.ACTCHQUAL = 90 or 99, then no other occurrence of Person.ACTCHQUAL should exist
Person.ACTCHQUAL 2 Warning For institutions in England, Northern Ireland and Wales more than 40% of staff where any (Contract.ACEMPFUN = 1 or 3 and Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2) have Person.ACTCHQUAL = 99.
Person.ACTCHQUAL 3 Warning For institutions in England, Northern Ireland and Wales more than 5% of staff where any (Contract.ACEMPFUN = 1 or 3 and Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2) have an occurrence of Person.ACTCHQUAL = 09.
Person.ACTLEAVE 1 Warning Where Person.ACTLEAVE = 05 then Person.LOCLEAVE should be in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Person.ACTLEAVE 3 Warning More than 5% of staff have Person.ACTLEAVE = 11 and Person.BIRTHDTE after '(Y1-50)-07-31'
Person.BIRTHDTE 1 Warning If the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns and Person.BIRTHDTE exists in both returns then Person.BIRTHDTE should be consistent.
Person.DATEFHEI 1 Warning If the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns, and the Person.DATEFHEI exists in both returns and there is no Contract.STARTCON after (Y1)-07-31, then Person.DATEFHEI should be consistent.
Person.DISABLE 3 Warning More than 99.0% of staff where Person.DISABLE = 00.
Person.ETHNIC 2 Warning More than 20% of staff where (Person.ETHNIC does not equal 90 or 98 in last year's return and Person.ETHNIC = 90 or 98 in this year's return).
Person.GENDERID 1 Warning More than 20% of staff where Person.GENDERID = 02.
Person.HQHELD 2 Warning If the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns, and Person.HQHELD exists in both returns, and Person.HQHELD does not equal 97, 98 or 99 this year, then Person.HQHELD should not be greater than Person.HQHELD last year.
Person.HQHELD 3 Warning If (Person.DATEFHEI is greater than or equal to '(Y1)-08-01)' and any contract record for this person has (Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2 and any Activity.ACTSOC = major groups 1, 2 or 3) then Person.HQHELD should not equal 98.
Person.LOCLEAVE 1 Warning Person.LOCLEAVE should not equal 8 where Person.DATELEFT > '(Y1)-07-31' and any contract record for this person has Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2.
Person.NATION 1 Warning More than 5% of all staff where (the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns, and Person.NATION does not equal ZZ in last year's return), have different Person.NATION in last year and this year.
Person.NATIOND 1 Warning Where there is an occurrence of Person.NATIOND = R or U, then no other occurrence of Person.NATIOND should exist.
Person.PARLEAVE 1 Warning More than 1% of staff with Person.PARLEAVE = 1 have Person.SEX not equal to 2.
Person.PARLEAVE 2 Warning More than 1% of staff with Person.PARLEAVE = 2 have Person.SEX not equal to 1.
Person.PREVEMP 1 Warning More than 5% of all staff where (the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns and Person.PREVEMP exists in both returns, and Person.PREVEMP does not equal 99 in last year's return), have different Person.PREVEMP in last year and this year.
Person.PREVEMP 2 Warning Where (Person.DATEFHEI > '(Y1)-07-31' and any contract record for this person record has (Activity.ACTSOC major groups 1, 2 or 3 and Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2), and XPOPP01 = 1) then Person.PREVEMP should not equal 99.
Person.PREVHEI 1 Warning If the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns and Person.PREVHEI does not equal 9999 in last year's return, and there is no Contract.STARTCON greater than or equal to '(Y1-08-01)', then Person.PREVHEI should be consistent.
Person.PREVHEI 2 Error Where Person.PREVEMP = 01, then Person.PREVHEI must not be the same as the returning institution.
Person.PREVHEI 3 Error Where Person.PREVEMP = 21 and Person.PREVHEI exists it must be the same as the returning institution.
Person.REFUOA2014 1 Error For each record in the HEFCE look-up file the combination of UKPRN, STAFFID and REFUOA2014 must exist in the HESA Staff return.
Person.REFUOA2014 2 Error Where Person.REFUOA2014 exists and does not end with 'Z', the combination of UKPRN and REFUOA2014 must exist in the HEFCE look-up file.
Person.REGBODY 1 Warning If the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns, and Person.REGBODY exists in both returns, then an occurrence of Person.REGBODY should be consistent.
Person.REGBODY 2 Warning Where Person.REGBODY exists, an occurrence of Person.REGBODY should equal 14 where all occurrences of Activity.CCENTRE = 109
Person.SEX 1 Warning More than 5% of staff (where the same Person.STAFFID appears in both last year's and this year's Staff returns and Person.SEX exists in both last year's and this year's returns), have different Person.SEX.
Person.SEXORT 1 Warning More than 10% of staff with Person.SEXORT = 02 have Person.SEX not equal to 1.
Person.SEXORT 2 Warning More than 10% of staff with Person.SEXORT = 03 have Person.SEX not equal to 2.
Person.SEXORT 3 Warning More than 20% of staff where Person.SEXORT = 05.
Person.STAFFID 1 Warning The following staff have been given new Person.STAFFID when a previous ID exists (based on their Person.PREVHEI and Person.PREVEMP) and the member of staff is new at your institution this year and Person.PREVHEI not equal to 9999.
Person.STAFFID 2 Warning All staff with 10 or more contracts.
Person.STAFFID 3 Warning Potential duplicate entries for non-atypical staff exist but have different Person.STAFFIDs.
Person.STAFFID 4 Error If a member of staff was included in last year's Staff return, where any contract record for this person has (any Activity.ACTSOC major group 1, 2 or 3 and Contract.TERMS = 1 or 2 and Contract.ENDCON does not exist) and Person.DATELEFT does not exist in last year's return, then a record must be included in this year's Staff return.
Person.STAFFID 5 Error The combination of Person.STAFFID and Contract.CONTID field must be unique within an HEI's submission.
Person.STAFFID 6 Error No two records can have the same Person.STAFFID.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.