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HE Provider Data: Finance – open data release 2022/23

Finance data for 59 English HE providers for 2022/23 is now published on the HESA website.

View Higher Education Provider Data: Finance

The data published today relates to higher education providers in England whose financial year-end dates fell between 1 August 2022 and 31 December 2022. These are non-traditional higher education providers with many specialising in a small number of subjects.

These 59 providers had a total income of £1.05 billion in 2022/23 with the majority (39) reporting incomes of less than £10 million. 74% of their combined income came from tuition fees but this proportion varied from 0% to 100% for individual providers.

The total expenditure of the 59 providers was £997 million with just over half of the providers (31) reporting a surplus1 for the year.

The release includes new data on the income and expenditure of these providers as well as their balance sheets, cash flow and capital expenditure. Information about senior staff pay in 2022/23 is also available for the majority of these providers. The data was collected by the Office for Students. 

2022/23 finance data for the majority of HE providers with year-end dates from 1 January 2023 to 31 July 2023, including HE providers in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, will be published in spring 2024. 


  1. Surplus/(deficit) before other gains/losses and share of surplus/(deficit) in joint ventures and associates. See Table 1.
  2. See Upcoming data releases for a schedule of HESA-branded official statistics releases from Jisc. 
  3. HESA is now part of Jisc. Jisc cannot accept responsibility for any inferences or conclusions derived from the data by third parties.
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