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Provider Preview - data release calendar

The HESA Data Releases Calendar below will be updated regularly to inform you of any upcoming high profile enquiries; click on an item on the calendar for further details. You can also subscribe to the calendar, by following the instructions below, to be instantly updated of new releases. 

Types of calendar entry

  • DDS Provisional - Provisional preview date based on previous requests using the specification from the previous year
  • DDS Confirmed - Estimated preview date for confirmed enquiry highlighting the current specification
  • DDS on Preview - expected release date to client for data now on preview

Please note, data specifications shown will relate to the previous year's supply until the status changes to 'DDS confirmed'.

How to subscribe to the HESA data release calendar and receive email notification of new events

  1. Sign up to Google calendar
    1. Create a Google account if you do not have one already (you do not need to create a new email address)
    2. Sign up to Google Calendar
  2. Subscribe to the HESA data release calendar
    1. Add the calendar using the following link:
    2. Click Add calendar in the box that appears. The calendar will appear in the Other Calendars section of the calendar list to the left.
  3. Sign up for notifications
    1. Click the down-arrow next to HESA data release calendar in the Other Calendars list
    2. Select Reminders and Notifications from the menu
    3. Tick the Email box to the right of New events. If you would also like to receive notifications when an event changes status or is altered, tick the Email box to the right of Changed events
    4. Click Save