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DLHE - Longitudinal Survey 2006/07 - Table of Contents

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DLHE - Longitudinal Survey 2006/07

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ACT_CDE1 - Q1 Retired
ACT_CDE2 - Q1 Housewife/homemaker/carer
ACT_CDE3 - Q1 Maternity leave
ACT_CDE4 - Q1 Sick (short term)
ACT_CDE5 - Q1 Travelling/break/gap year/timeout
ACT_CDE6 - Q1 Long-term sick
ACT_CDE7 - Q1 On holiday
ACT_CDE8 - Q1 Code 8 - not used
ACT_DEV - Q1 Developing your own business or preparing a professional portfolio
ACT_DNK - Q1 Don't know
ACT_EMP - Q1 Employed, whether full-time or part-time (including self-employed, freelance, voluntary work or other unpaid work)
ACT_MAIN - Q2 Main activity on snapshot date
ACT_NANS - Q1 Not answered
ACT_OTH - Q1 Other
ACT_RFSD - Q1 Refused
ACT_STUDY - Q1 Engaged in study, training or registered as a research student
ACT_UNEMP - Q1 Unemployed and looking for work
CAREER_SAT - Q42 Given what you have told us so far, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your career to date?
DISABLE - F_DISABLE from sample
EMAIL - Q58 Whether would like to be emailed link to view results of survey
EMPCIR - Early DLHE employment
ETHNIC - F_ETHNIC from sample
GENDER - F_GENDER from sample
HEI - F_INSTID as of 2006/07 from sample
HOW_EMP - Q6 And were you?
HOW_FND_JOB - Q19 How did you first find out about this job?
HOW_STDY - Q22 Were you studying full-time or part-time?
HUSID - Respondent ID
IMPO_GRDE - Q16_3 Importance of...The class or grade of the qualification you obtained
IMPO_JOB - Q16_2 Importance of... The type of qualification you obtained in 2006/2007 (e.g. BA, MSc, PhD, etc)
IMPO_QUAL - Q17_1 Importance of...Any qualifications that you might have obtained after the one you got in 2006/2007
IMPO_SKLS - Q16_4 Importance of...Evidence of skills and competencies
IMPO_SUB - Q16_1 Importance of...The subject you studied
IMPO_WKEXP - Q17_2 Importance of...Relevant work experience from previous employment
INSTID - Institution ID as of 2010-11
JOB_STRT_DTE - Combined date
JOB_STRT_MNTH - Q5_1 When did you start the job you had on snapshot date? (Month)
JOB_STRT_YR - Q5_2 When did you start the job you had on snapshot date? (Year)
JOBS_CHC - Q20_4 Work related activity: It is my choice to do different jobs – I like the variety
JOBS_DEV - Q20_3 Work related activity: One of my work roles or activities is allowing me to develop the skills and/or contacts necessary to move into the type of work I really want
JOBS_FREE - Q20_5 Work related activity: My preferred work is on a freelance basis so I need other paid work as well
JOBS_FTEQIV - Q20_2 Work related activity: Combining two or more jobs is the only way to get full-time equivalent work in my preferred type of employment
JOBS_GRS_PAY - Q20A And what do you estimate your total annual earnings would be across all jobs that you hold?
JOBS_GRTR1_O - Q31 Apart from the job that you have already told us about, have you had any other jobs between graduating and snapshot date?
JOBS_GRTR1_S - Q3 Were you working in more than one job or occupation on snapshot date?
JOBS_NOFT - Q20_1 Work related activity: I am unable to secure any full-time position
JOBS_NUM_O - Q32 How many other jobs have you had between graduating and snapshot date?
JOBS_NUM_S - Q4 How many jobs did you have on the snapshot date?
JOBS_PRS - Q20_6 Work related activity: It gives me time to maintain a balance between work and my personal or family commitments
JOBS_SUP - Q20_7To supplement income
LK_COM_DIF - Q41_4 Likelihood of deciding to do something other than training, study or research?
LK_DIF_INST - Q41_2 Likelihood of studying at a different institution?
LK_DIF_QUAL - Q41_3 Likelihood of working towards a different type of qualification (e.g. Degree instead of diploma, MSc instead of PhD)?
LK_DIF_SUB - Q41_1 Likelihood of doing a different subject?
NUMHUS - F_NUMHUS from sample
OWNPSD - F_QUALAIM from sample
OWNSTU - F_OWNSTU from sample
PB_CNT - Q56 Whether happy for contact details to be passed back to HEI
PB_INF - Q57 Whether happy for information to be passed back to HEI along with name
PB_RSP_AND_CNT - Q55 Whether happy for responses and contact details to be passed back to the Research Councils
PUBCAT - HESA Publication Categories Definition
QUALS_CPREP - Q44A How well did your higher educations experience prepare you for or help you progress your career aspirations?
QUALS_EXP - Q43 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement about your overall experience of the course you completed in year of graduation: “My course was good value for money”?
QUALS_FND_MAIN - Q40 And how did you MAINLY fund your studies for this qualification?
QUALS_HLEV - Q38 What was the highest level of qualification you obtained between graduating from your course and snapshot date?
QUALS_JACS - Q39 Subject area of qualification (JACS)
QUALS_NUM - Q37 How many other separate qualifications did you obtain?
QUALS_NUM_GRTR3 - Q37 How many other separate qualifications did you obtain?
QUALS_OBT - Q36 Did you obtain any qualifications between the time you completed your course at in year of graduation and snapshot date?
QUALS_SEPREP - Q44B How well did your higher education experience prepare you for being self employed or setting up your own business?
RCH_ACR - Q46 I wanted an academic career
RCH_DNK - Q46 Don’t know
RCH_ENB_CORG - Q54_3 Change organisational culture and/or working practices
RCH_ENB_DIFF - Q54_2 Make a difference in the workplace
RCH_ENB_INF - Q54_4 Influence the work of others in the workplace
RCH_ENB_INN - Q54_1 Be innovative in the workplace
RCH_ENB_JOP - Q54_5 Access immediate or short-term job opportunities in your chosen career
RCH_ENB_LTC - Q54_6 Progress towards your long term career aspirations
RCH_ENB_OTH - Q54_9 Other
RCH_ENB_QLF - Q54_8 Enhance the quality of your life generally
RCH_ENB_SOC - Q54_7 Enhance your social and intellectual capabilities beyond employment
RCH_ENC - Q46 I was encouraged to do so by previous tutors/lecturers
RCH_ESS - Q46 It was essential to get into the area of employment I want(ed) to work in
RCH_FE_FND_AHRC - Q49 Art & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
RCH_FE_FND_BBSRC - Q49 Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
RCH_FE_FND_CHRTY - Q49 UK Educational / Scientific charity (including The Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation or Other UK Educational / Scientific charity)
RCH_FE_FND_DNK - Q49 Don't know
RCH_FE_FND_EMP - Q49 Support from my employer or an industry body
RCH_FE_FND_EPSRC - FQ49 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
RCH_FE_FND_ESRC - Q49 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
RCH_FE_FND_EU_EF - Q49 EU / EC funded
RCH_FE_FND_INST - Q49 The institution where I studied
RCH_FE_FND_MAIN - Q48 Firstly, could you tell me the main source of funding for your fees?
RCH_FE_FND_MRC - Q49 Medical Research Council (MRC)
RCH_FE_FND_NANS - Q49 Not answered
RCH_FE_FND_NERC - Q49 Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
RCH_FE_FND_NONE - Q49 No other sources of funding
RCH_FE_FND_OTH - Q49 Other
RCH_FE_FND_RFSD - Q49 Refused
RCH_FE_FND_SCH - Q49 Other competitively-awarded scholarship or award (Please specify)
RCH_FE_FND_SFC - Q49 Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
RCH_FNDING - Q47 Did you receive any funding towards these research studies in terms of fees or maintenance, or were you self-funded?
RCH_FNDS - Q46 I was awarded a funded studentship
RCH_HO_DAT - Q53_2 How often did you Interpret or critically evaluate research findings in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_DNW - Q53_3 How often did you Draw on the detailed knowledge on which your research degree was based in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_GNW - Q53_4 How often did you Use your general disciplinary knowledge in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_GSKL - Q53_6 How often did you Use the generic skills you developed as a research student in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_RCH - Q53_1 How often did you conduct research in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_RESP - Q53_10 How often did you have responsibility for supervising the work of others in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_RSKL - Q53_5 How often did you Use the research skills you developed as a research student in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_SUP - Q53_9 How often did you Work under close supervision in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_TEAM - Q53_8 How often did you Work as part of a team in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_HO_WRKA - Q53_7 How often did you Work autonomously in the job you were doing on the snapshot date
RCH_IMP - Q46 I thought it would improve my career prospects more broadly
RCH_MAIN - Q45 Thinking about the research degree you took in 2006/07, what was the main reason you decided to undertake it?
RCH_MNT_FND_AHRC - Q51 Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
RCH_MNT_FND_BBSRC - Q51 Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
RCH_MNT_FND_CHRTY - Q51 UK Educational / Scientific charity (including The Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation or Other UK Educational / Scientific charity)
RCH_MNT_FND_DNK - Q51 Don't know
RCH_MNT_FND_EMP - Q51 Support from my employer or an industry body
RCH_MNT_FND_EPSRC - Q51 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
RCH_MNT_FND_ESRC - Q51 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
RCH_MNT_FND_EU_EF - Q51 EU / EC funded
RCH_MNT_FND_INST - Q51 The institution where I studied
RCH_MNT_FND_MAIN - Q50 What was the main source of funding for your maintenance?
RCH_MNT_FND_MRC - Q51 Medical Research Council (MRC)
RCH_MNT_FND_NANS - Q51 Not answered
RCH_MNT_FND_NERC - Q51 Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
RCH_MNT_FND_NONE - Q51 No other sources of funding
RCH_MNT_FND_RFSD - Q51 Refused
RCH_MNT_FND_SCH - Q51 Other competitively-awarded scholarship or award (Please specify)
RCH_MNT_FND_STFC - Q51 Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
RCH_NANS - Q46 Not answered
RCH_OTH - Q46 Other
RCH_PST - Q46 I wanted to go on being a student/I wanted to postpone job hunting
RCH_RCH - Q46 I was interested in research
RCH_REQ - Q46 I was encouraged or required to do so by my employer at the time
RCH_REQ_CDIF - Q52_3 Collaborating with others in different disciplines
RCH_REQ_COTH - Q52_5 Collaborating with others outside the research community
RCH_REQ_CSME - Q52_2 Collaborating with others in the same broad discipline or subject area as yours
RCH_REQ_MOB - Q52_7 Periods of international mobility
RCH_REQ_OWN - Q52_1 Working on your own
RCH_REQ_SKL - Q52_4 Development of knowledge and skills that cross other disciplines or subject areas as well as your own
RCH_REQ_WRK - Q52_6 Work placements
RCH_RFSD - Q46 Refused
RCH_SUB - Q46 I was interested in the subject
RESEARCH - Research sample
RS_ACTIVITY - DLHE activity marker
RS_DSA - Disabled Allowance Marker
RS_ETHNIC - F_RS_ETHNIC from sample
RS_FEITT - FE-ITT bursary marker
RS_FRACTION - Sampling fraction
RS_STUTYPE - Student Type
RS_SW - Sandwich student marker
RS_TDA - TDA marker
SAMPLE - Whether sample A or B
SBJBID - F_SBJBID from sample
SBJQA1 - F_SBJQA1 from sample
SBJQA2 - F_SBJQA2 from sample
SBJQA3 - F_SBJQA3 from sample
SOURCE - Source of data
STDY_FND_DNK - Q29 Don't know
STDY_FND_HRS - Q29 More flexible or reduced working hours to accommodate study
STDY_FND_MAIN - Q28 MAIN source of funding for this course of study, training or research
STDY_FND_MAT - Q29 Provision of materials to help with study
STDY_FND_MNT - Q29 Mentoring
STDY_FND_NA - Q29 None of the above
STDY_FND_NANS - Q29 Not answered
STDY_FND_OTH - Q29 Other
STDY_FND_OTH01 - Q29 Financial contribution towards tuition fees
STDY_FND_OTH02 - Q29 Financial contribution towards travel costs
STDY_FND_OTH03 - Q29 Financial contribution towards accommodation
STDY_FND_OTH04 - Q29 Other 4 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH05 - Q29 Other 5 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH06 - Q29 Other 6 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH07 - Q29 Other 7 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH08 - Q29 Other 8 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH09 - Q29 Other 9 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH10 - Q29 Other 10 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH11 - Q29 Other 11 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH12 - Q29 Other 12 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH13 - Q29 Other 13 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH14 - Q29 Other 14 - code not used
STDY_FND_OTH15 - Q29 Other 15 - code not used
STDY_FND_RFSD - Q29 Refused
STDY_FND_SL - Q29 Study leave
STDY_FND_TRN - Q29 Training related to my course
STDY_JACS - Q26 Study subject area (JACS)
STDY_ORG_NME - Q23 What is the name of the institution or organisation at which you were registered?
STDY_ORG_TYP - Q24 Type of organisation
STDY_QUAL_TYP - Q25 Type of qualification
STDY_STRT_DTE - Q21 combined date
STDY_STRT_MNTH - Q21_1 When did you start the course of study, training or research you were engaged in on snapshot date? (month)
STDY_STRT_YR - Q21_2 When did you start the course of study, training or research you were engaged in on snapshot date? (Year)
STDY_TYP - Q27 Study type
STUKEY - F_STUKEY from sample
TTCID - F_TTCID from sample
UNEMP_GRTR1MNTH - Q33 Have you ever been unemployed and seeking work for a period lasting one month or more since you graduated?
UNEMP_MNTHS - Q35 How many months would you say these periods of unemployment add up to?
UNEMP_NUM - Q34 How many separate periods of unemployment lasting one month or more have you had?
UNEMP_NUM_GRTR5 - Q34 Write in number of separate periods of unemployment lasting one month or more
WRK_BASIS - Q12 Which of the following best describes the basis on which you were employed by on snapshot date?
WRK_CNTRY - Q9 Where was your place of work?
WRK_DRVD_SAL - Derived salary
WRK_EMPEES - Q13 Approximately how many people work in the entire organisation (including all branches, departments, etc.)?
WRK_GRS_PAY - Q14 What was your approximate annual gross pay, before tax?
WRK_ORG_NME - Q7 What is the name of the organisation you were working for on snapshot date?
WRK_ORG_SIC - Q8 What does organisation mainly do?
WRK_OUTCDE - Q10b And what was the first part of the postcode?
WRK_PAY_CUR - Q14 Currency
WRK_SAL_VRFD - Derived salary verified
WRK_SOC - Q11 What was your job title? (SOC)
WRK_UK_LOC - Q10 Whereabouts in the UK did you work?
WRK_WKLY_HRS - Q15 On average, how many hours a week did you work?
XLOCGRA01 - Analytical protocol Location of employment (Government Office Region)
XLOCNA01 - Analytical protocol Location of employment (basic level)
XSICDA01 - Analytical protocol Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) grouping
XSOCDA01 - Analytical protocol Standard Occupational Classification (SOC (DLHE)) grouping
YJOB_BEST - Q18 It was the best job offer I received / only job offer I received
YJOB_DNK - Q18 Don’t know / can’t remember
YJOB_DVLP - Q18 To broaden my experience / to develop general skills
YJOB_ERN - Q18 In order to earn a living
YJOB_EXP - Q18 To gain experience in order to get the type of job I really want
YJOB_FIT - Q18 It fitted into my career plan / it was exactly the type of work I wanted
YJOB_NANS - Q18 Not answered
YJOB_OTH - Q18 Other
YJOB_PAY - Q18 In order to pay off debts
YJOB_PROG - Q18 It was an opportunity to progress in the organisation
YJOB_SEE - Q18 To see if I would like the type of work it involved
YSTDY_DNK - Q30 Don't know
YSTDY_DVLP - Q30 To develop a broader or more specialist range of skills or knowledge
YSTDY_ENJ - Q30 Because I had enjoyed my first course and wanted to continue studying
YSTDY_IMP - Q30 To change or improve my career options
YSTDY_INT - Q30 Because I was interested in the content of the course
YSTDY_NANS - Q30 Not answered
YSTDY_NJ - Q30 I had been unable to find a suitable job
YSTDY_OTH - Q30 Other
YSTDY_PST - Q30 I wanted to go on being a student/I wanted to postpone job hunting
YSTDY_REQ - Q30 Because it was a requirement of my employment on snapshot date that I did

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.