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Staff record 2021/22 - File structures for downloadable files

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Version 1.0 Produced 2022-03-24

This page contains details of the file structures of the downloadable files output from the Data Collection System; including Data Supply and Expected Contract Population.


Data Supply

The three data tables below are supplied in XML and CSV format. The CORE PERSON table contains the majority of fields. The CORE CONTRACT, CORE ACTIVITY and CORE GOVERNOR tables are also provided separately.

The tables contain the following types of field:

  • Base fields from the Cyy025 submission prefixed with the appropriate entity: Person, Contract and Activity.
  • Derived fields, prefixed with an 'X', are standard ways of grouping data.
  • PERSONKEY, CONTRACTKEY and ACTIVITYKEY are unique keys within the database used to link records across tables.


Field Name Description Element name in XML Length
Person.PERSONKEY Unique key for every person record PERSONKEY 13
Institution.RECID Record type indicator RECID 5
Institution.UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN 8
Person.STAFFID Staff identifier STAFFID 13
Person.OWNSTAFFID Institution's own staff identifier OWNSTAFFID 20
Person.BIRTHDTE Date of birth BIRTHDTE 10
Person.SEXID Sexual identification SEXID 1
Person.NATION Nationality NATION 2
Person.ETHNIC Ethnicity ETHNIC 2
Person.PREVEMP Previous employment PREVEMP 2
Person.HQHELD Highest qualification held HQHELD 2
Person.CURACCDIS1 Current academic discipline CURACCDIS1 6
Person.CURACCDIS2 Current academic discipline CURACCDIS2 6
Person.CURACCDIS3 Current academic discipline CURACCDIS3 6
Person.CURACCDIS4 Current academic discipline CURACCDIS4 6
Person.CURACCDIS5 Current academic discipline CURACCDIS5 6
Person.REGBODY1 Regulatory body REGBODY1 2
Person.REGBODY2 Regulatory body REGBODY2 2
Person.ABLWELSH Ability to teach through the medium of Welsh ABLWELSH 1
Person.ACTLEAVE Activity after leaving ACTLEAVE 2
Person.LOCLEAVE Location after leaving LOCLEAVE 1
Person.DISABLE Disability DISABLE 2
Person.CLINARD Clinical excellence award CLINARD 2
Person.GENREASSIGN Gender reassignment GENREASSIGN 1
Person.GOVFLAG Governor status flag GOVFLAG 1
Person.SEXORT Sexual orientation SEXORT 2
Person.PARLEAVE1 Parental leave PARLEAVE1 1
Person.PARLEAVE2 Parental leave PARLEAVE2 1
Person.PARLEAVE3 Parental leave PARLEAVE3 1
Person.RELBLF Religion or belief RELBLF 2
Person.ACTCHQUAL1 Academic teaching qualification ACTCHQUAL1 2
Person.ACTCHQUAL2 Academic teaching qualification ACTCHQUAL2 2
Person.ACTCHQUAL3 Academic teaching qualification ACTCHQUAL3 2
Person.ACTCHQUAL4 Academic teaching qualification ACTCHQUAL4 2
Person.ACTCHQUAL5 Academic teaching qualification ACTCHQUAL5 2
Person.ACTCHQUAL6 Academic teaching qualification ACTCHQUAL6 2
Person.ORCID ORCID identifier ORCID 19
XPOPP01 Staff person population at 1 December XPOPP01 1
XPOPPA01 Staff atypical population XPOPPA01 1
XAGEA01 Age at 31 August in reporting year XAGEA01 2
XAGRPB01 Staff age group XAGRPB01 1
XINSTC01 Country of institution XINSTC01 1
XINSTG01 Region of institution location XINSTG01 1
XINSTID01 Derived HESA institution identifier XINSTID01 4
XSNAT01 Staff nationality XSNAT01 1
XHQHELD01 Highest qualification held XHQHELD01 1
XNEWSTAFFMRK New staff member marker XNEWSTAFFMRK 1

Download: XML Schema for the CORE PERSON table file.


Field Name Description Element name in XML Length
Contract.CONTRACTKEY Unique key for every contract record CONTRACTKEY 13
Contract.PERSONKEY Unique key for every person record PERSONKEY 13
Institution.RECID Record type indicator RECID 5
Institution.UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN 8
Contract.CAMPID Campus identifier CAMPID 1
Person.STAFFID Staff identifier STAFFID 13
Person.OWNSTAFFID Institution’s own staff identifier OWNSTAFFID 20
Contract.CONTID Contract identifier CONTID 20
Contract.OWNCONTID Institution’s own contract identifier OWNCONTID 20
Contract.TERMS Terms of employment TERMS 1
Contract.MOEMP Mode of employment MOEMP 1
Contract.ACEMPFUN Academic employment function ACEMPFUN 1
Contract.APPRENTICESHIP Apprenticeship marker APPRENTICESHIP 1
Contract.LEVELS Contract levels LEVELS 2
Contract.CONFTE FTE during reporting period CONFTE 5
Contract.TCHWLH Teaching through the medium of Welsh TCHWLH 1
Contract.SOBS1 Source of basic salary SOBS1 2
Contract.SOBS2 Source of basic salary SOBS2 2
Contract.SOBS3 Source of basic salary SOBS3 2
Contract.PSCAG Proportion of basic salary charged against general income PSCAG 5
Contract.SPOINT Salary point SPOINT 3
Contract.SALREF Basic salary at reference date SALREF 7
Contract.CLINSUB1 Clinical sub-specialty CLINSUB1 4
Contract.CLINSUB2 Clinical sub-specialty CLINSUB2 4
Contract.CLINSUB3 Clinical sub-specialty CLINSUB3 4
Contract.NHSCON NHS contracts NHSCON 1
Contract.NHSCONGR NHS contract grade NHSCONGR 2
Contract.HSPEC1 Healthcare professional specialty HSPEC1 2
Contract.HSPEC2 Healthcare professional specialty HSPEC2 2
Contract.HSPEC3 Healthcare professional specialty HSPEC3 2
Contract.HEIJOINT HEI joint contract HEIJOINT 8
Contract.HOURLYPAID Hourly paid marker HOURLYPAID 1
Contract.SIGRES Significant responsibility SIGRES 1
Contract.STARTCON Start date of contract STARTCON 10
Contract.ENDCON End date of contract ENDCON 10
Contract.RESCON Reason for end of contract RESCON 1
Contract.CLINICAL Clinical status CLINICAL 1
Contract.RESAST Research assistant RESAST 1
Contract.ZEROHRS Zero hours contract ZEROHRS 1
XACMRK01 Academic employment marker XACMRK01 1
XPOPC01 Staff contract population at 1 December XPOPC01 1
XSALR01 Salary at reference date XSALR01 7
XSALG01 Salary at reference date XSALG01 1
XPSESC01 Staff contract session population XPSESC01 1
XSALPNT01 Contract salary grouping XSALPNT01 2
XMOEMP01 Mode of employment XMOEMP01 2
XSOBS01 Source of basic salary XSOBS01 2

Download: XML Schema for the CORE CONTRACT table file.


Field Name Description Element name in XML Length
Activity.ACTIVITYKEY Unique key for every activity record ACTIVITYKEY 13
Activity.CONTRACTKEY Unique key for every contract record CONTRACTKEY 13
Institution.RECID Record type indicator RECID 5
Institution.UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN 8
Person.STAFFID Staff identifier STAFFID 13
Person.OWNSTAFFID Institution's own staff identifier OWNSTAFFID 20
Contract.CONTID Contract identifier CONTID 20
Contract.OWNCONTID Institution's own contract identifier OWNCONTID 20
Activity.ACTSOC Activity Standard Occupational Classification ACTSOC 3
Activity.CCENTRE Cost centre CCENTRE 3
Activity.CCPROP Proportion in cost centre CCPROP 5
XACTSOC01 Activity Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010) major grouping XACTSOC01 1
XSFTE01 Staff full-time equivalent activity by cost XSFTE01 7
XSFPE01 Staff full-person equivalent activity by cost centre XSFPE01 7
XSAFPE01 Staff atypical full-person equivalent by cost centre XSAFPE01 7

Download: XML Schema for the CORE ACTIVITY table file.


Field Name Description Element name in XML Length
Governor.GOVERNORKEY Unique key for every governor record GOVERNORKEY 13
Person.PERSONKEY Unique key for every person record PERSONKEY 13
Institution.RECID Record type indicator RECID 5
Institution.UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN 8
Person.STAFFID Staff identifier STAFFID 13
Person.OWNSTAFFID Institution's own staff identifier OWNSTAFFID 20
Governor.ENDGOV End date of governor status ENDGOV 10
Governor.EXPENDGOV Expected end date of governor status EXPENDGOV 10
Governor.STARTGOV Start date of governor status STARTGOV 10

Download: XML Schema for the CORE GOVERNOR table file.

Expected Contract Population

The expected contract population is a linking mechanism designed to track staff within a higher education provider (HEP) from one year to the next. Staff holding contracts in SOC2010 groups 1-3 that did not end during the previous reporting period and are not atypical are tracked by the expected contract population. Where such staff are listed in the current (Y1) return without their having a leaving date (Person.DATELEFT) and without an end date for relevant contracts (Contract.ENDCON), they must be included in next year's (Y2) Staff record. The expected contract population is available in XML and CSV format.

The list contains all records from the C(Y1)025 collection that satisfy the criteria for the expected contract population as follows:

Expected Contract Population table

Field Name Description Element name in XML Length
Person.STAFFID Staff identifier STAFFID 13
Person.OWNSTAFFID Institution's own staff identifier OWNSTAFFID 20
Institution.UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN 8
Person.BIRTHDTE Date of birth BIRTHDTE 10
Person.SEXID Sexual Identifier SEXID 1

Download: XML Schema for the Expected Contract Population table file.

Expected Governor Population

The expected governor population is a linking mechanism designed to track governors within a provider from one year to the next. This report provides a list of governors that are expected in the following year. Where a governor is listed in the current return without an end date (Governor.ENDGOV and Governor.EXPENDGOV), they must be included in next year's Staff record. The expected governor population is available in XML and CSV format.

The list contains all records from the C(Y1)025 collection that satisfy the criteria for the expected governor population as follows:

Expected Governor Population table

Field Name Description Element name in XML Length
Person.STAFFID Staff identifier STAFFID 13
Person.OWNSTAFFID Institution's own staff identifier OWNSTAFFID 20
Institution.UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN 8
Person.BIRTHDTE Date of birth BIRTHDTE 10
Person.SEXID Sexual Identifier SEXID 1
Person.GOVFLAG Governor status flag GOVFLAG 1
Governor.STARTGOV Start of governor status STARTGOV 10
Governor.ENDGOV End of governor status ENDGOV 10
Governor.EXPENDGOV Expected end date of governor status EXPENDGOV 10

Download: XML Schema for the Expected Governor Population table file.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.