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Initial Teacher Training In-Year Record 2008/09

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Initial Teacher Training In-Year Record 2008/09

Revision history

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This table lists changes and additions to the record specification and supporting documentation.

Date Documentation
Element Element
2008-10-171.7CourseSubject.SBJCA1.4Minor amendment to Notes section label for Primary ITT Programmes (to include Student.ITTPHSC codes 72 and 77)
2008-10-171.7Student.ITTSCHMS1.5Student.ITTPHSC range amended to 'between 72 to 77' for Business rule 2. Notes for use of code 6 amended to match
2008-09-221.6CourseSubject.SBJCA1.3L390 PHSE added to secondary ITT programmes specialism list. Business rule 3 amended to reflect this change. P390 Creative and Media - added to both primary and secondary lists. Business Rules 1 and 3 amended to reflect this.
2008-09-221.6Student.ITTPHSC1.2Added code 72 'Ages 3 - 8 Primary' at request of TDA
2008-09-221.6Student.ITTSCHMS1.4Notes amended to highlight that 'Fast-track' codes should no longer be used
2008-09-221.6Student.YEARSTU1.2Datatype amended to allow max value of 45
2008-08-011.5Student.DEGEST1.3Updated Institution names for 0087, 0190 and 0206
2008-08-01 1.5 Validation rules 1.0 Summary of validation rules added to the Data collection section
2008-07-181.4CourseSubject.SBJCA1.2C800 Psychology added to secondary ITT programmes specialism list and Valid entry list. Business rule 3 amended to reflect this change
2008-07-181.4Student.COURSEID1.1Note added to highlight change in data type requirement and the need to specify file encoding
2008-07-181.4Student.HUSID1.2Business rule 4 added
2008-07-181.4Student.NUMHUS1.1Note added to highlight change in data type requirement and the need to specify file encoding
2008-07-181.4Student.OWNSTU1.1Note added to highlight change in data type requirement and the need to specify file encoding
2008-07-181.4Student.TTCID1.2Added note to clarify that codes 1 and 8 should only be used for trainees eligible for TDA funding
2008-07-181.4Student.ULN1.1Clarification of notes for ULN checksum validation
2008-07-18 1.4 File structure 1.0 File structure document added, highlighting the need to specify encoding and describing the file structure
2008-04-30 1.3 Data Protection Link added to HESA Data Protection information page added to Supporting documents
2008-04-30 1.3 Checkdigit Link to Checkdigit downloadable file added (for calculating checkdigits in HUSID)
2008-04-30 1.3 Validation overview 1.0 Validation overview document added, describing validation checks and linking to validation kit software
2008-04-30 1.3 Coverage 1.3 Revision of Field comparison between the ITT In-Year Record and the Student Record, moving ITTAIM into ITT In-Year Record list
2008-04-301.3CourseSubject.SBJCA1.1Revision of ITTPHSC codes in Business rule 2 (61-65 no longer valid). Removal of valid entry N222 Leisure and Tourism (no longer valid) and replaced with N870 Recreation, Sport and Leisure Studies. Business rule 3 - N222 removed and N870 substituted. Business rule 2 updated to include code 51, 52 for ITTPHSC. New business rules 7, 8, 9 added. Attribute 'Main' capitalized to conform with schema.
2008-04-301.3Student.DEGCTRY1.2Valid entries MF St Martin (French part) and BL St Barthelemy added. GP Guadeloupe {includes St Martin (North)} amended to GP Guadeloupe to bring into line with ISO coding. New value 'QO Kosovo' added to valid entries list
2008-04-301.3Student.DEGLENGTH1.2Note added to clarify the coding of Previous degree length as being based on course length under normal circumstances
2008-04-301.3Student.HUSID1.1Business rule 2 updated highlighting requirement for characters 1-4, and data type amended to ensure HUSID is unique within a submitted file
2008-04-301.3Student.ITTPHSC1.1Updated business rule 4 to include codes 51 and 52
2008-04-301.3Student.ITTSCHMS1.3Notes amended to clarify that this field is a superset of Student record Instance.ITTSCHMS
2008-02-111.2Student.COMDATE1.2Notes added to clarify start date of instance
2008-02-211.2Student.CTITLE1.1Minimum occurrence changed to 1 to allow reports to be ordered by Student.CTITLE
2008-02-081.2Student.DEGCTRY1.1Description revised to clarify eligibility of DEGTYPE qualification, and coverage amended from ...'Student.DEGEST is blank' to 'Student.DEGEST does not exist'
2008-02-111.2Student.DEGENDDT1.2Description revised to clarify eligible qualification
2008-02-081.2Student.DEGEST1.2Description revised to clarify eligibility of DEGTYPE qualification
2008-02-111.2Student.DEGLENGTH1.1Description revised to clarify eligible qualification. Note added to clarify time taken excluding intermissions.
2008-02-111.2Student.DEGSTDT1.2Description revised to clarify eligible qualification
2008-02-081.2Student.DEGTYPE1.1Description revised to clarify eligibility of qualification
2008-02-201.2Student.ENDDATE1.1Coverage information for students who leave added
2008-02-011.2Student.ITTSCHMS1.2Business rule 1 Student.ITTSCHMS must exist where Student.TTCID = 1 or 2 deleted, as must exist applies in Schema rule
2008-02-201.2Student.RSNEND1.1Coverage information for students who leave added
2008-02-201.2Student.TTCID1.1TTCID=0 added to Valid entries and labels. Coverage information for students who transfer added
2008-02-181.2Student.YEARPRG1.1MinOccur changed to 1
2008-02-121.2Student.YEARSTU1.1Business rule 1 Student.YEARSTU must contain a positive integer of less than 40 moved to Schema rule
2008-03-07 1.2 UCAS and GTTR transactions 1.0 Document added
2008-02-19 1.2 Coverage of the record 1.2 Coverage updated and latest information on registration, census date, transfers and leavers, relationship with student record and field comparison between ITT Record and Student Record added
2008-02-19 1.2 Timescales for data collection 1.1 Timescales updated, Timescales summary table and Timeline summary diagram added
2008-02-19 1.2 Data collection process (PDF) 1.1 Link to Aardvark Data collection process added under Data collection
2008-02-18 1.2 HUSID lookup service (HLS) 1.0 Link to Husid lookup service added under Supporting documents
2008-02-14 1.2 Frequently asked questions 1.1 Created based on 2008-01-15 ITT In-Year Record seminar questions
2008-01-10 1.1 Various fields Business rules added
2008-01-10 1.1 Student.DEGSTDT Student.DEGENDDT Student.COMDATE 1.1 Note added to clarify date format
2008-01-10 1.1 Student.DEGEST 1.1 New institution 0210 added and names updated to current version
2008-01-10 1.1 Student.ITTSCHMS 1.1 Code 2 (Student Associate Scheme) removed as not applicable to ITT and Code 7 added
2007-10-23 1.0 First release of documentation

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.