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HESA Student Record 2013/14 - Exchange programmes

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HESA Student Record 2013/14

Fields required from institutions in Wales

Exchange programmes

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valid entries
Short nameEXCHANGE

This field identifies whether the student is an exchange or visiting student.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances where Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 03 or 09 unless institution in Wales and Course.COURSEAIM begins with P, Q, R, S or X.

Valid entries and labels
4Other incoming exchange or visiting student
GIncoming ERASMUS student
NNot an incoming exchange or visiting student
YStudent studying mainly in UK as part of a collaborative programme between reporting institution and an overseas institution
ZStudent studying mainly overseas as part of a collaborative programme between reporting institution and an overseas institution

A reduced return will be acceptable for incoming exchange and visiting students (codes 4 and G).

Codes 4, Z and G are expected for all incoming students.

Postgraduate ERASMUS MUNDUS/ERASMUS+ Action 1 students who have registered with a consortium to undertake their programme of study, i.e. there is no concept of a home institution, should be coded as G 'Incoming ERASMUS student' in this field. All other ERASMUS students should be coded as either G 'Incoming ERASMUS student' or N 'Not an incoming exchange or visiting student' dependent upon the location of their home institution.

Codes Y and N are expected for all outgoing students - some may also need to return Instance.Mobility. See guidance in Instance.Mobility on which situations require a Mobility entity.

A student studying through distance learning should be coded Instance.EXCHANGE = N.

Collaborative Programmes

Where an instance is part of a programme where there is a formal collaborative arrangement with an overseas institution and study at one institution is a pre-requisite for study at, and eventual award of a qualification from, an institution in the UK then the instance must be identified as either Z or Y in the Instance.EXCHANGE field depending upon whether the time spent studying is primarily overseas or in the UK.

In general, collaborative programmes involve a student being registered with two Higher Education Institutions.

Where there is an equal split (for example, 2 years overseas followed by 2 years at reporting institution) then the instance should be coded Y. The intended study pattern for the entire instance is considered when determining whether an instance is mainly in the UK or overseas, so Instance.EXCHANGE should not be changed to reflect the pattern within any particular reporting period.

Where the pattern of study evolves over an instance, so that considering the overall instance most of the time is spent in the in the UK rather than abroad or vice versa, the code should change from Z to Y, or Y to Z as appropriate. These codes are not applicable to distance learning instances which will be identified by Instance.LOCSDY . Distance learning students located overseas will typically only be included in the Student Record where they spend more than 8 consecutive weeks in the UK.

Students will be coded Instance.LOCSDY Z where the entire reporting period is in the UK, and U or T for reporting periods where some or all of the study is overseas.

Students coded Y or Z in this field cannot be coded Instance.LOCSDY 6 or 9.


1) A student starts in the UK on a 3 year collaborative programme with an overseas institution. The student studies at the overseas institution for the second year before returning to the UK in the final year:

Year 1
Z 100 Y
Year 2
T 100 Y
Year3 Z 100 Y

Instance.Mobility would be returned for year 2.

2) A student studies on a 3 year collaborative programme spending years 1 and 3 abroad and 12 consecutive weeks in the UK in year 2 (but not the whole year):

Year 1
S 0 Z
Year 2
S 33 Z
Year 3
S 0 Z

In year 2 the Instance.STULOAD would be adjusted to reflect the period of time spent in the UK.

3) A student studies in the UK on a non-collaborative 3 year degree but spends year 2 in China on a study placement:

Year 1
Z 100 N
Year 2
T 100 N
Year 3
Z 100 N

As this is a standard year abroad and not part of a collaborative programme Instance.EXCHANGE is coded N throughout. Instance.Mobility would be returned for year 2.

4) A student studies in the UK on a 3 year degree but spends year 2 on an ERASMUS scheme overseas:

Year 1
Z 100 N
Year 2
T 100 N
Year 3
Z 100 N

Instance.Mobility would be returned for year 2.

5) Where a student spends the majority of a 3 year programme overseas as part of a collaborative programme, but comes to the UK in the final year. Instance.EXCHANGE should not be changed:

Year 1
S 0 Z
Year 2
S 0 Z
Year 3
Z 100 Z

6) For example a student starts on a 3 year collaborative programme of which 2 years were to be spent in the UK, however following year 1 the student decides to spend the remainder of the course at the overseas collaborative institution:

Year 1
Z 100 Y
Year 2
S 0 Z
Year 3
S 0 Z

See Instance.Mobility for further guidance on which situations require Mobility data.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this field are displayed here.
Reason required

To identify students involved in specific exchange or visiting programmes in order to include/exclude them in particular populations.

Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Date modified2014-04-29
Change management notesBusiness rules 2, 3 and 4 deleted following a review of the validation due to the changes to the coding frames for both Instance.EXCHANGE and Instance.LOCSDY and the introduction of the Mobility entity. Business rules 5 and 6 updated for the replacement of Instance.EXCHANGE codes 0, 7, B, C, D, E with code N (Not an incoming exchange or visiting student).

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.