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  • Agencies collaborate to provide better service for UK higher education

    Press Officer

    Three of the UK's leading higher education agencies have announced plans to explore increased collaboration and cost sharing through a new partnership to be known as the 'M5 Group'.

  • Income and expenditure of higher education providers in 2014/15

    Press Officer

    HE Finance Plus 2014/15 shows that the total income of higher education providers in 2014/15 was £33.2 billion.2 Tuition fees and education contracts contributed £15.6 billion or 47% of this total. The total expenditure of UK HE providers was £31.2 billion, of which £17.1 billion (55%) was spent on staff costs.

  • Characteristics of Academic Staff in 2014/15

    Press Officer

    Data published today show that there were 198,335 academic staff employed at UK HE providers in 2014/15. When analysed by cost centre (a proxy for academic departments) nearly a quarter of these staff (24%) were working in the areas of medicine, dentistry and health.

  • Trends in HE qualifications: 745,000 HE qualifications awarded in 2014/15

    Press Officer

    Data published today show that 745,005 higher education qualifications were awarded by UK HE providers in 2014/15. This is 4% fewer than were awarded in 2013/14. While 6% fewer first degrees were awarded than in the previous year, the number of postgraduate qualifications rose by 1%. The number of other undergraduate qualifications awarded, such as diplomas and certificates of HE fell by 10%, continuing a four year downward trend. 

  • Performance Indicators: Widening participation of under-represented groups

    Press Officer

    Indicators for Widening Participation are published today on our website. The full tables show the indicators for every publicly funded HE provider in the UK alongside their benchmark.

  • Our response to the Higher Education Commission report ‘From Bricks to Clicks’

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) report ‘From Bricks to Clicks: the potential of data and analytics in Higher Education’, published today (Friday 22 January 2016), contains the findings of the Commission’s ten-month inquiry into the transformative effect that data and analytics can have for university students, higher education providers and the HE sector as a whole.

  • Staff at higher education providers in the United Kingdom 2014/15

    Statistical First Release

    This is the first release of data from the 2014/15 HESA Staff record. The release provides details of staff employment at UK Higher Education providers (HEPs) on 1 December 2014. It has been produced in partnership with the UK administrations and is released in accordance with the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

  • Our response to the 2015 Higher Education Green Paper

    Press Officer

    We have responded to the Government's Higher Education Green Paper 'Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility, and student choice'.

    We believe that the Green Paper is an important set of proposals, outlining changes required to build on the original reforms set out in the White Paper on higher education in 2011, putting students at the heart of the system.

  • Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education providers in the United Kingdom 2014/15

    National Statistics logo

    Statistical First Release

    This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Welsh Government (WG), the Scottish Government (SG) and the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DEL(NI)). It has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. It provides details of student enrolments and qualifications obtained by higher education (HE) students at HE providers in the United Kingdom (UK) for the academic year 2014/15.

  • Heidi Plus BI system launched

    Press Officer

    Today, 30 November 2015, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) launches Heidi Plus, the new business intelligence service for the UK Higher Education sector. Heidi Plus is the result of a joint project between us and Jisc to boost the business intelligence capability of UK HE providers. The service provides access to extensive data and the latest visualisation technology to promote efficient decision making in HE.
