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Graduate Outcomes Project Update

The Graduate Outcomes project is progressing full-swing behind the scenes. Here are some details about how we're getting on.

The project

We are working away on several elements of the programme. Primarily, we have been interrogating the options for how best to deliver the processes behind the new Graduate Outcomes model.

We have been working with some of the countries leading survey experts, including the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on shaping our delivery of Graduate Outcomes. This has helped us to focus on driving the required response rates whilst discovering efficiencies in the way in which the survey is being run.

As a result we will be taking on more responsibility for leading Graduate Outcomes, delivering a number of the functions in-house, whilst utilising external contact centres and high-performance software to deliver the contact management system and online survey platform. We will also be working with experts in the sector to deliver SOC and SIC coding. Over the coming months we will provide full information about the companies we are working with to deliver these functions.

We have updated the timeline on our project pages to provide you with the overview of how the project is progressing.

And of course, we’ve been planning our Graduate Outcomes Conference – details below.


Although the explorations are helping us shape the implementation of Graduate Outcomes, we are not yet in a position to provide an update regarding the likely subscription levels. An update will be provided in July.

Cognitive testing

Cognitive testing is underway to determine the most effective questions for inclusion in the survey, shaping it to ensure a robust, adaptable, and future-proof design that can cope with the needs of a range of providers from different backgrounds. This process is progressing well and the finalised survey will be published in late Spring.

Population file

HESA is currently developing a population file which will allow you to identify which graduates fall into cohort A. This will be available by end of April. This will continue (as for DLHE) to sit as a report on the Student (C17051) and AP Student (C17054) data collection sites, until the Graduate Outcomes collection site has been developed. This report will be generated once a Student/AP Student data file has been uploaded onto the system.

What are others doing?

The shift to Graduate Outcomes marks a significant change in the data collected on the destinations and outcomes of graduates. Three providers have recently blogged about their preparations for Graduate Outcomes.

A Graduate Outcomes Conference

For those who really want to be in the know, a place on one of our Graduate Outcomes Conferences is the hot HE ticket.

We know that Graduate Outcomes is a cross-function topic within providers and we want to help you foster strong working relationships in your Graduate Outcomes teams. So, we’re doing a special deal on our conference, a reduced rate if you come as a pair from a provider.

Book onto the 13 June conference in London

Book onto the 14 June conference in Manchester