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Staff 2022/23 (C22025): Notification of changes to personal characteristics data

Published 30/09/2021. Last updated 22/03/2023.

This page summarises the changes to the Staff record that will be implemented for 2022/23 (C22025), relating to the outcomes from the personal characteristics and equality data consultation. 

The annex from the consultation has now been updated with the outcomes. This shows current field specifications and maps them to the new proposals. 

HESA will be working on the detailed guidance and recommended questions in the coming months.

All providers


Change valid entries to:

Code Label
95 No known impairment, health condition or learning difference
58 Blind or have a visual impairment uncorrected by glasses
57 D/deaf or have a hearing impairment
59 Development condition that you have had since childhood which affects motor, cognitive, social and emotional skills, and speech and language
51 Learning difference such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D
54 Long-term illness or health condition such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy
55 Mental health condition, challenge or disorder, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety
56 Physical impairment (a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying)
53 Social/communication conditions such as a speech and language impairment or an autistic spectrum condition
96 An impairment, health condition or learning difference not listed above
98 Prefer not to say
99 Not available
  • Code 08 has been removed and the field changed to allow maximum occurrences of up to 9 occurrences. 
  • Change guidance question to: Do you have an impairment, health condition or learning difference that has substantial and long-term impact on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities?
  • Staff should be asked this question every year, so any changes made should be picked up anyway. This includes the changes for those who responded with “Two or more impairments and/or disabling medical conditions” previously. 
  • Not included in UK censuses, so following Advance HE guidance.
  • Definitions: Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.

Amendment 11 Nov 2021: Code 00 "No known impairment, health condition or learning difference" has now been updated to be code 95. 


Change valid entries to: 

Code Label E S W NI
180 Arab Y Y Y Y
100 Asian - Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi British Y Y Y Y
101 Asian - Chinese or Chinese British Y Y Y Y
102 Asian - Filipino       Y
103 Asian - Indian or Indian British Y Y Y Y
104 Asian - Pakistani or Pakistani British Y Y Y Y
119 Any other Asian background Y Y Y Y
120 Black - African or African British Y Y Y Y
121 Black - Caribbean or Caribbean British Y Y Y Y
139 Any other Black background Y Y Y Y
140 Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Asian or Asian British Y Y Y Y
141 Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black African or Black African British Y Y Y Y
142 Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black Caribbean or Black Caribbean British Y Y Y Y
159 Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background Y Y Y Y
160 White - English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or British Y   Y  
161 White - English, Welsh, Northern Irish or British   Y    
162 White - British, Irish, Northern Irish, English, Scottish or Welsh       Y
163 White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller Y   Y  
164 White - Gypsy or Traveller   Y   Y
165 White - Irish Traveller       Y
166 White - Irish Y Y Y  
167 White - Polish   Y   Y
168 White - Roma Y Y Y Y
169 White - Scottish   Y    
170 White - Showman / Showwoman   Y    
179 Any other White background Y Y Y Y
899 Any other ethnic background Y Y Y Y
997 Not known Y Y Y Y
998 Prefer not to say Y Y Y Y
999 Not available Y Y Y Y
  • Change guidance question to: What is your ethnicity or ethnic group?
  • Staff should be presented with this question every year, so any changes made should be picked up anyway.
  • Need to include country specific guidance. 
  • Data chosen to align with the census in each country.
  • Definitions: Not known – staff member doesn’t know the information; Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.


Field name (and short name) will be changed to: Gender Identity (Person.GENDERID). 

Change valid entries to: 

Code Label
01 Yes
02 No
98 Prefer not to say
99 Not available 
  • Providers in Scotland removed from the coverage.
  • Question will be mandatory for providers in England and Wales. Question will remain optional for providers in Northern Ireland. 
  • Change guidance question to: Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?
  • Staff should be presented with this question every year, so any changes made should be picked up anyway.
  • Data chosen to align with the census in each country.
  • Definitions: Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.
  • Amendment 11 Nov 2021: Guidance given that this question should be asked alongside the Sex Identifier question. 


Change valid entries to:

Code Label E S W NI
20 No religion Y Y Y Y
21 Buddhist Y Y Y Y
22 Christian Y   Y  
23 Christian - Church of Scotland   Y    
24 Christian - Roman Catholic   Y   Y
25 Christian - Presbyterian Church in Ireland       Y
26 Christian - Church of Ireland       Y
27 Christian - Methodist Church in Ireland       Y
28 Christian - Other denomination   Y   Y
29 Hindu Y Y Y Y
30 Jewish Y Y Y Y
31 Muslim Y Y Y Y
32 Pagan   Y    
33 Sikh Y Y Y Y
80 Any other religion or belief Y Y Y Y
98 Prefer not to say Y Y Y Y
99 Not available Y Y Y Y
  • Question will become mandatory for providers in England and Wales. Question will remain optional for providers in Northern Ireland and Scotland. 
  • Change guidance question to: "What is your religion?" (for providers in England and Wales) or "What religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to?" (for providers in Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  • Staff should be presented with this question every year, so any changes made should be picked up anyway.
  • Data chosen to align with the census in each country.
  • Previous point means anyone coded as “Spiritual” currently, would need to choose from the current list. This is no longer in the census in the UK, hence its removal from this field. 
  • Definitions: Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.


Amendment - 12 May 2022 - : Details now added

Following feedback on the consultation outcomes, HESA has worked with Statutory Customers to review the proposed guidance and valid entries for the SEXID field.

The changes made to the SEXID field as part of the consultation were made to address the conflation between sex and gender that existed previously in the record. However, we recognise the operational challenges for providers.

While we can see a case for providers collecting gender, or having a broader definition, we do not currently have a case to collect gender as part of the HESA record given the privacy impact and the requirements under GDPR for data minimisation.

Further to discussion with Statutory Customers we will be issuing guidance that:

‘Respondents considering how to answer should use the sex recorded on one of their legal documents such as birth certificate, Gender Recognition Certificate, or passport. Providers are not expected to verify the sex of every student although they must make reasonable efforts to ensure that in aggregate the data for the provider is accurate.’

The valid entries for the field in the 2022/23 Staff record will be as follows:

Code Label
10 Female
11 Male
12 Other
96 Information refused
99 Not available

Changes from Amendment - 11 Nov 2021 - The removal of the field entry '98' 'Prefer not to Say'. The Addition of the field entry 'Information refused' as a replacement to code 98.

  • Change guidance question to: “What is your sex?”
  • Guidance given that this should be based on sex at birth as per birth certificate or sex declared on a Gender Reassignment certificate. Therefore, SEXID will now be recording legal sex.
  • “Other” would only be used only for a third sex that is legally recognised by another country.
  • Staff should be presented with this question every year, so any changes made should be picked up anyway.
  • Providers are not expected to verify the sex of every staff member, although they must make reasonable efforts to ensure that in aggregate the data for the provider is accurate.
  • Data chosen to align with the Census guidance.
  • "Information refused": this code should be used where the data subject explicitly states that they do not want to provide the information. As data on sex is fundamental to use of the data it is expected that the “Information Refused” option is not presented to the data subject by default.
  • Guidance given that this question should be asked alongside the Gender Identity or Transgender questions.

The high-level reasons behind each code:

10/11 - Female/Male: now in alphabetical order.

12 - Other: this code should only be used only for a third sex that is legally recognised by another country - this will recognise the scenarios where, for example, an international staff member has a legal sex other than male or female. Please note that we will not be restricting use of this code to specific nationalities.

96 - Information refused: this code should be used where the data subject explicitly states that they do not want to provide the information. As data on sex is fundamental to use of the data it is expected that the “Information Refused” option is not presented to the data subject by default.

99 - Not available: this code should be used in cases where it is not possible to supply the information (such as a cyber-attack). This option should not be presented to data subjects

Please see the Data Protection considerations for fields for more information on the reasons behind collecting this data. 


Change valid entries to:

Code Label
10 Bisexual
11 Gay or lesbian
12 Heterosexual or straight
19 Other sexual orientation
98 Prefer not to say
99 Not available
  • Question will become mandatory for providers in England and Wales. Question will remain optional for providers in Northern Ireland and Scotland. 
  • Change guidance question to: Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
  • Staff should be presented with this question every year, so any changes made should be picked up anyway.
  • These answers align with the census, and therefore differs from Advance HE guidance.
  • Data chosen to align with the census in each country.
  • Definitions: Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.

Guidance update:

Campus identifiers can only be used where a contract can be associated with a single site. It is recognised that because of the flexibility of employment patterns adopted by some HEPs, it will be impossible to say categorically that some staff are assigned to a particular campus. If this is the case then the identifier for the main campus should be used.

Guidance update:

This field is designed to be used to aid in linking records. Due to the nature of this requirement, and consequent visibility of the field when manipulating data, it is not advised that protected characteristics such as staff names or dates of birth are used in the population of this field.

Providers in Scotland

New field on the Person entity called Transgender (short name: Person.TRANS). Valid entries will be:

Code Label
01 Yes
02 No
98 Prefer not to say
99 Not available
  • Guidance question: Do you consider yourself to be trans, or have a trans history?
  • This new field will replace the current Gender Reassignment question for providers in Scotland. 
  • Field will be optional for providers in Scotland.
  • Data chosen to align with the census in Scotland.
  • Definitions: Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.
  • Amendment 11 Nov 2021: Guidance given that this question should be asked alongside the Sex Identifier question. 

New field called British Sign Language User (short name: BSL). Valid entries will be:

Code Label
01 BSL user
02 Not a BSL user
98 Prefer not to say
99 Not available

A BSL user is defined as a ‘D/deaf and/or Deafblind person (someone who receives the language in a tactile form due to sight loss) whose first or preferred language is British Sign Language’.

This field and it's valid entries are subject to change. 


Providers in Wales


Amendment 11 Nov 2021: Providers in Wales have been removed from the coverage of the field. This field will therefore be removed from 2022/23. 

New field on the Person entity, called Marital Status (short name: Person.MARSTAT). Valid entries will be:

Code Label
10 Never married and never registered in a civil partnership
11 Married or in a registered civil partnership
12 Separated (but still legally married or in a civil partnership)
13 Divorced or formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
14 Widowed or a surviving partner from a registered civil partnership
15 Co-habiting
98 Prefer not to say
99 Not available
  • Guidance question: What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?
  • Field will be mandatory for providers in Wales.
  • Data chosen to align with the country census.
  • Definitions: Prefer not to say – staff member doesn’t want to declare the information; Not available – the provider is not able to get this data in order to send it to HESA.

Providers in England and Wales

Providers in England and Wales will not be required to collect data on pregnancy (in Staff or Data Futures records) for 2022/23. However, OfS and HEFCW would like to explore this with providers in more detail, with the intention of finding a different way of obtaining information about pregnancy using providers’ existing data sources for 2023/24. OfS and HEFCW would encourage providers to send their thoughts on how we could collect data on information that providers already hold in this area to [email protected].