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Relationship between the HE provider, the survey contractor and HESA

These are our responses and clarifications to issues raised in our consultation about the relationship between the HE provider, the survey contractor and HESA.

This will very much vary from provider to provider.

HE providers will still need to maintain and supply an accurate list of graduates. Providers can also be involved in examining in-collection data – but the extent of this engagement is a local matter.

Providers would not need to devote significant resources to liaising with the central collection agency. Providers will have a greater role in collecting and supplying contact details. Providers who wish to will be able to engage more fully in the process – through viewing raw survey data through the dashboards, and/or agreeing additional question banks with their account manager.

We will start publishing further information on the requirements on providers in June.

Providers will be able to work with their account manager to ensure the survey contractor understands nuances in graduate populations. We will aim for account managers to hold profiles of similar groups of providers, e.g. specialist providers, in order to enhance their understanding.

HESA will set the prioritisation as is done for DLHE. UK full time first degree graduates will continue to have higher target response rates than international students.

This is something we will be taking advice from the steering group on. We think there is a value in harnessing the provider’s brand to enhance response rates. How this works in practice is to be agreed with the sector.

The terms will be set out by the steering group, but as with DLHE all graduates will attempt to be reached multiple times.

As part of the implementation project we are developing a detailed risk log, setting out risks and mitigations.

The contractor will be working to service level agreements which set out the details of how they must conduct the phone calls with graduates. This will form part of the procurement process.