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Tariff T-Levels

T Levels are an alternative to A levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses. Equivalent in size to 3 A levels, a T Level focuses on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days.

General Guidance for T-Levels

Where a full T-Level has been achieved (QUALTYPEID TL) then tariff points for a full T_Level can be used (based upon the grade attained), Where the learner has completed EITHER Core + Industry Placement or Specialism plus Industry Placement the weighting for the T-Level subject is used to calculate the tariff points depending upon which component has been achieved.

HESA Guidance for T-Levels

For the first year of T-Level returns (23056 Student record) HESA will allow valid entries of 'P (A*-C)' and 'P (D-E)' to be returned by providers where the provider as already associated the core competent grade to a full T-Level at grade P.

T-Level Tariff Points Logic Path

For a T-Level with Grade D*, D or M

If the student has an EntryQualificationAward occurrences which contain an EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID with a valid entry of 'TL' and EntryQualificationAward.ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT valid entry (grade) D*, D or M
a full T-Level has been awarded, located the record in the T-Level Tariff Points table with QUALTYPEID = TL and the corresponding grade to find the tariff points awarded.

For a T-Level with Grade P

If the student has an EntryQualificationAward occurrences which contain an EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID with a valid entry of 'TL' and an EntryQualificationAward.ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT valid entry (grade) of P
An EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID with a valid entry of 'TM' (core component) with a corresponding EntryQualificationAward.ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT valid entry (grade) of A*, A, B, C, D or E
a full T-Level has been awarded, located the record in the T-Level Tariff Points table with QUALTYPEID of TM and the corresponding grade and Weighting of 100 to find the tariff points awarded.

For a T-Level with Grade PA

If the student has an EntryQualificationAward occurrences which contain an EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID with a valid entry of 'TL' and EntryQualificationAward.ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT valid entry (grade) of PA (partial award)
An EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID valid entry of '42' (industry placement component) with a EntryQualificationAward.ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT valid entry (grade) of 'P'
A further EntryQualificationAward occurrence containing an EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID valid entry of 'TM' OR 'TN'
A partial T-Level has been awarded.

  1. For the EntryQualificationAward.QUALTYPEID valid entry TM / TN find the associate EntryQualificationSubject.SUBJECTID subject valid entry
  2. Locate the record in the T_Level Subject to Qualification Weighting table with the QUALTYPEID of TM or TN as applicable and the associated SUBJECTID and note the associated weighting
  3. Located the record in the T-Level Tariff Points table with QUALTYPEID of TM or TN as appropriate, with corresponding EntryQualificationAward.ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT valid entry (grade) and the weighting identified in the step above to find the tariff points awarded.